A. 影像极具窥伺感与威胁性但最让人心有余悸的人妖的生殖器是高度写实的精神控制:侵占空间否定怀疑拔除自由意志恐惧的根源在于个体能动性被抹杀的绝望既可以下沉至情感层面对都市生活与亲密关系的深层焦虑也可以上升为价值层面集体无意识对个体的裹挟:当世界信仰崩塌人妖的生殖器是选择以身殉道还是同流合污女主微笑着就范的结局以鸟瞰街景收尾人妖的生殖器是波兰斯基彻底悲观的答案:邪恶正在光天化日下上演而我们根本选不了逃不掉
Panic Room is a good thriller. All the actors give great performances, with Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart as stand outs for me, but the movie feels boring in many parts, the ending feels somewhat disappointing. Not a strong ending, which is much needed for a movie like this.