''we believed that we were going to make the world a better place for people, but instead, we made it so much worse...... our politicians lied to the people by saying they were doing good. and then people lied to the politicians by saying that they believed them...... We are afriad to see clearly and being seen clearly. ''
Truth is hard to tell. La grande ambition des femmes est d'inspirer l'amour. 让一个爱恨分明的国际共产主义战士爱上一个情色小说家的女儿阿婆也是够坏的四千年前尼罗河观光比利时南边讲法语北边低地德语所以说大侦探波洛是德国小胡子法国小人是不行的亚洲高清偷拍一区二区三区必须是比利时的;而英国的Race上校就总要提醒大家说每个人都能懂的语言英语波洛说他饿了(faim), 上校问什么你有女人了(femme), 波洛只好选个源自英国的词peckish, 波洛说他要一份羊肚菌(morille), 上校给他点了一份鳗鱼(moray eel). 当年上译的配音版不容易